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Drought Symptoms And How To Fix It

Drought Symptoms And How To Fix It

When the weather heats up, so does everything in its path. This means that your lawn might be going through some intense things, like drought. Without enough water or rainfall, lawns can easily fall into decay and ruin. It's possible that your lawn might be going through drought right now and you might not even be aware!

Well, Yard Up is here to give you all of the signs to watch out for and what you can do to remedy things. Contact our team today to learn how to schedule lawn care services and get your lawn back in control.

What Is Drought?

Drought is when there's not enough water to sustain life, typically a lack of rainfall. This tends to occur during the summer months when temperatures get higher as well as rainy days becoming less common. Grass tends to be pretty resilient, but noticing the symptoms as they occur will help you keep the grass you have and improve its health.

Drought Symptoms

So what are the signs to look out for? Check them out below:

  • Footprints in the lawn - If your footsteps and wheel marks aren't bouncing back quickly and you can see the marks with ease, that's a sign of drought. If your grass is still very green and this is occurring, then you are in the very early stages of drought stress.
  • Yellow or brown lawn - Drought will often affect the lawn evenly, so if there are patches of yellow or brown grass in your lawn that can indicate different issues (such as fungus). A lawn that is yellowing or turning brown is most likely going through a drought.
  • Hard, dry soil - When you water your lawn, does the water seep in or run off? When lawns go long periods without water this can cause the soil to become water-repellent.

How To Fix Drought-Impacted Lawns

The first step in fixing a lawn that's suffering from drought is to introduce more water. Most lawns typically need at least 1 to 2 inches of water per week, and more when temperatures are higher. To prevent extreme evaporation, water your lawn early in the morning, and be sure to water deeply and infrequently.

Another thing to remedy is your proper mowing practice. Before mowing, ensure that your lawn actually needs it. If your lawn is looking dry or brown, don't mow. When you do choose to mow, make sure the blades are sharp and that you don't cut the grass too short. Too short will expose the roots to the sun and cause more issues.

For proper lawn maintenance and care, contact the experts at Yard Up that will give you the best mowing and lawn care experience possible.

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